Do It Yourself APC RBC7 Battery Backup Rebuild

In today's world you would be hard pressed to find a computer system, audio system or any other electronics without a battery backup. They are essential to protecting valuable electronics and even more valuable information they hold. Without one, in a moments notice all of your computer's storage could become corrupted from a power surge, frying all your pictures, movie, music and or work. Yet this whole scenario could be avoided be simply owning and maintaining a battery backup.

While there are many brands out there, APC or American Power Conversion stands out as a popular and reliable choice for many consumers. I am going to walk you through how to rebuild one of their popular battery models, RBC7, while all the long saving you money. The RBC7 battery pack is used in many units such as BP1400 series, DLA1500 series, SMT1500 series, SU1000XL series,  SU1400 series, SU700XL series and more to name a few.

Getting Started Rebuilding the APC RBC7

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  • Philips Screwdriver
  • 3/8 Wrench
  • Small Putty Knife
  • Optional: Double Sided Tape


Taking apart the APC RBC7

  1. Remove the RBC7 battery pack from your unit.
  2. Using the putty knife, remove the plastic covers protecting the terminals by sliding it under the plastic cover and twist the handle of the knife to begin separating the adhesive from the battery.
  3. With the screwdriver & wrench, remove all four (4) screws holding the connector and inline fuse or connecting bar.
  4. Inspect the inline fuse to ensure it is still good by either using a multimeter in the Ohm setting or visually looking into the view window for damage.

Reassembling the Rebuilt RBC7

  1. Take your two (2) new Exell Battery EB12180IT or equivalents and orient them label to label to take the same configuration of the original battery pack
  2. Add the fuse or connecting bar back with the new screws from the batteries.
  3. Add the connector back to opposite side of the fuse with the new screws from the battery. Make sure that the red wire connects to the positive terminal and black wire connects to the negative terminal.

If you get lost or unsure what to do you could always just watch the video presented by BatteriesInAFlash. A DIY video on how to rebuild an APC RBC7 battery pack.